Sparx principles

As iron sharp­ens iron, so one person
sharp­ens another (Proverbs 27:17)



This dis­cus­sion forum is for:

  • Young Nepali leaders who want to learn how to con­tex­tu­al­ize leadership.
  • Older Nepali leaders who want to share and learn!
  • A few bideshis who want to learn!!

We want that people have a chance to develop their God-given lead­er­ship skills, con­tex­tu­al­ized to Nepal, by engag­ing in a wide range of dis­cus­sions about lead­er­ship and management.

Some values to help our dis­cus­sions flow smoothly:

  • People of any, or no, faith may join Sparx, but please respect that the Sparx project and dis­cus­sion forums seek to be Bib­li­cally based, founded on the Chris­t­ian faith.
  • Please, let’s all share, and not just have a few people dominate.
  • Please use simple lan­guage (English or Nepali) so that as many people as pos­si­ble can join in.
  • We will be respect­ful of all people and their views.

We dis­cour­age the use of denom­i­na­tional labels as this can divide Chris­t­ian unity.


If you break any of the fol­low­ing rules, you should expect to have your posts deleted and you may be removed from the group: 

*Sparx may promote ser­vices pro­vided by orga­ni­za­tions with which it partners.

No hier­ar­chy –
please do not give or require more or less respect to any person or group in this community.


No pol­i­tics –
we may discuss matters of social justice etc. but please stay clear of Party Politics.


No pro­fan­ity –
please remain respect­ful at all times.

No adver­tis­ing –
please do not seek to promote your product, service, church or busi­ness*