How to

If you are new to Sparx, please follow this link:


Once you have been reg­is­tered, you can access the Sparx dis­cus­sion forum through any browser, by access­ing: but you get a better expe­ri­ence by down­load­ing “Slack” for PC, Mac, Android or iOS and logging in with the email you reg­is­tered with.


In the Sparx dis­cus­sion forum there are several broad theme areas (called chan­nels) including:


Problem solving, RAPID deci­sion-making, group decision-making…

Facil­i­tat­ing learn­ing, coach­ing, mentoring…
Skill of learn­ing, being men­tored, self-discipline…
Role of lead­er­ship, leading/managing, lead­er­ship styles, power/authority…
Team roles, del­e­ga­tion, inter­cul­tural, meet­ings, group­think, team lifecycle…
Plan­ning phases, forces for/against…
Recruit­ment, ori­en­ta­tion, moti­va­tion, remote staff, feed­back, difficulties…
Stress, work/life balance, failure, recovery…
To Do Lists, man­ag­ing a diary, per­sonal time planning…
Saying no, sup­port­ing and chal­leng­ing your boss…
Any­thing that really doesn’t fit in another channel
Making plans, budgets, mon­i­tor­ing indi­ca­tors, eval­u­a­tion, reporting…
Devel­op­ing vision, engag­ing others, calling…

How it work?

In each of these chan­nels may be many discussions… 

If you would like to react to a post, hover on it and press “Like/agree,”

If you would like to react to a post, hover on it and press “Worth a look,”

If you would like to react to a post, hover on it and press “Very wise,”

If you would like to react to a post, or react with your own emoji.

If you wish to reply to a post (or add to that topic), please hover on it and press “Reply” (Reply in thread).

If you wish to save a post (maybe you wish to address it later), hover on it and press “Add to saved items.” This will add it to your per­sonal “Saved items” (near the top of the menu bar).

To be reminded about a post after some time, hover on it, then go to “Remind me about this” and choose when.

If you wish to start a new topic (thread) within a channel, just start typing in the box at the bottom.
If you want to mention someone while writing (so they get a noti­fi­ca­tion), type @ and select their name.

Direct Messaging


To send a Direct Message (that will not be seen by the rest of the com­mu­nity), go to “Direct Mes­sages” below the chan­nels on the left menu bar. 

If you:

  • Want to make a sug­ges­tion about the website or dis­cus­sion forum,
  • Need to report mis-behaviour,
  • Have a ques­tion about Sparx,

please send a “Direct Message” to “Sparx Admin.” or email [email protected]