Discussion page test

As iron sharp­ens iron, so one person sharp­ens another (Proverbs 27:17)


The vision of Sparx is to give leaders with a place to openly ask their questions, share what they have learned, encourage one another and mutually grow.

Sparx will be a com­mu­nity of leaders explor­ing how to con­tex­tu­al­ize bible-based lead­er­ship into their local culture

The Sparx com­mu­nity is made up of emerg­ing leaders, keen to grow, mature leaders, with wisdom to share, and a few cross-cul­tur­als who want to learn how lead­er­ship works in this culture. 

How it works:

Regular input to catal­yse lead­er­ship and man­age­ment dis­cus­sion – “How does this work in Nepal” 

Several dis­cus­sions running with com­mu­nity members free to ask ques­tions and start new topics. 

Several dis­cus­sions running with com­mu­nity members free to ask ques­tions and start new topics. 

Peri­odic webi­nars and face-to- face interactions. 

Oppor­tu­ni­ties for indi­vid­ual mentoring